Saudi visa check online by passport number is an important issue for everyone who has applied for a Saudi visa. In this sense, knowing the status of the visa and validity before traveling is important because it will avoid the inconveniences of time and money. Therefore, you should be aware of how to do these procedures with the available methods in the country.

Saudi Visa Verification Status Online 2023

There are various ways you may check the status of your Saudi visa online. However, we'll demonstrate the most typical:

Saudi visa verification in Muqeem by Iqama or visa number

The Muqeem website is the most convenient place to check the status of your Saudi Arabia visa. Additionally, you won't need to create a session in order to utilize the portal, but you will need to submit all of the data that it requires. You will obtain the visa's validity period soon after completing the data entry process.

Saudi visa verification on the Absher portal of the Ministry of Interior

By following these procedures, you may perform the Saudi Arabia visa check using the Absher webpage of the Ministry of Interior:

  1. Go to the Absher portal and then sign in with your account
  2. Click on MY SERVICES and select INQUIRIES
  3. Then click on PASSPORT and then ENTRY/EXIT VISA STATUS
  4. Once there, enter the following details: Sponsor ID, Iqama number, Visa number or Passport number, and Capture Code
  5. Finally, click on SEE

You can also pay for visas for dependents on departure and re-entry through this portal. However, it is the sponsor or company who will make the procedures for some changes of exit and entry.

Saudi Arabia work visa

The visa is valid for 1 year after the date of issue. On the other hand, the work visa allows foreign workers to work in Arabia for 6 months in the year. In addition, it does not require applying for a residence permit and facilitates the process of it.

In conclusion, doing the Visa check Saudi Arabia is a simple process that only requires the Iqama number and the visa application number. Additionally, you can verify the approval, if it is in supervision, or if it was rejected. If the visa is approved you will be able to travel with no problem.

These platforms provide about the Saudi visa number check but if you want to know more about the visa and verification process, you can contact us. We can help you and we will gladly advise you in this process.